A. The Teachers in Adult Educations
Whether we
are thinking of formal, foundation or liberal adult education, the bulk of
teaching is performed by part time, non-professional teachers and tutors. In
general, they come in three main groups, school teachers, civil servant and
business and commercial people. School teachers always come into mind when
there is talk of an adult education project. It is reckoned to be their job and
it is expected of them. In Africa they generally the most educated part of the
community and also the most numerous at the base of the society. From
necessity, then, they are immediately looked on as the source of help as
education is their business. It assumed that they have a responsibility to aid
in the teaching of adult outside school hours. This is a responsibility which
not all the teachers will willingly accept.
servants are another vocational group which reach to the base of society. They
are often able to help, though having no educational training, since
administrative of officers and similar cadres of people are often trained in
subjects which can be offered as teaching subjects. Business and commercial
people especially in urban areas help a great deal. Housewives can be included
in a special group. They are often able to help in the provisions of foundation
education and sometimes, where qualified, in other types of adult education.
There are
two major characteristic which are common to all these – they are all busy
people and they are all for the most part experienced in the arts of adult
education. Whether they are school teachers or businessman they all do a fully
day’s work before they begin any adult teaching. It often happens that the
types of people who are prepared to help in adult education are also those
members of society who do many other things other than their normal work. They
therefore have great demands on their time. Similarly, by and large, they are
experienced in adult education, never having been trained in the techniques.
Therefore, in the main it does not come easy to them and it is likely to be a
strain to prepare material and face a class or group.[1]
B. Characteristics of Teachers in Adult
Inspired by
Lindeman (1926) and other early writers in adult education, Knowles introduced
the term ‘Andragogy’ into American educational literature in 1968 (although the
term has been traced back to 1833, in German literature). He defined andragogy
as “the art and science of helping adult learns”. And originally, clearly
differenciated it from pedagogy (the art and science of teaching children).[2] Adults
have some characteristics of their study, there are, first, adults prefer to
receive advices than patronized. Second, people would rather be appreciated than
be punished. And then, adults only want to learn what they need to learn, what
they want to learn, and what they wish to learn.
Adults do
not like to be treated harshly and to be criticized, because they felt that
they had the dignity and prestige that must be maintained. Therefore, the
teachers should maintain the situation of learning so that adults feel
comfortable to study. In short, the approach and methods which used in adult
classes must not be the same as the approach and methods in child classes.
With the
explanations above, the process of adult education requires teachers with the
following characteristics below:
1. The teachers should be able to be a member
of the study group, so that there is no separation between teachers and
students, and students do not feel patronized.
2. The teachers should be able to create a
conducive climate to study.
3. The teachers should have a high sense of
responsibility, a sense of devotion and idealism for their job.
4. The teachers should be able to imitate the
5. The teachers should be able to realize
their weakness and their strength. Other than that, they should know that among
their strength can be a disadvantage in certain situation.
6. The teachers should be able to look at the
problems objectively and then determine the right solution.
7. The teachers should be able to understand
the people’s feeling.
8. The teachers should be able to know how to
convince the other people and know how to treat the other people.
9. The teachers should always be optimistic
and have a good faith towards the others.
10. The teachers should be able to understand
their position, not to become the teacher who teaches but to become the creator
of learning climate.
11. The teachers should be able to realize that
everything has its advantages and disadvantages.
C. Motivations of Teachers in Adult Educations
We already
know that teaching adults is different than teaching children, so that the
teachers are also different. As explained before that in general, the teachers
of adult education come from three main groups – school teachers, civil servant
and business and commercial people. The motivations they had are also different
with the motivations of teachers in child education. Many of those who have had
benefit of good education and wide experience wish to take opportunity of
sharing these with their fellow men and women who have been less fortunate. In
the great nation building projects that are underway in Africa, this motivation
is very strong and will cause great sacrifices to be made in the general
interests of the community.
However it
would be wrong to assume that this selfless attitude goes for all, and
financial reward is another important motive. Many adult education scheme
severely overlook this and, as a consequence, fail. It is very rare that people
are prepared to work completely for nothing and if they do, it will not be for
very long. It is possible to idealize on how people ought to behave, but to
base practical schemes of adult education on the conclusions of such thinking
can lead to nothing but disastrous results. People do not like to be taken for
granted and like to have some acknowledgement of the efforts they make.
Many make no
bones of having no ‘service’ motivation and admit that what they do is entirely
for financial gain. The prevailing customs in the society will condition the
motives – where a spirit of mutual unrewarded help is common more will give
what they have without thought of monetary gain. Where the prevailing spirit is
to get what one can for oneself, than free services, except among the very
dedicated, will be rare. However unfortunate it may be, many do give their help
for financial gain and will not give it to any extent without it. It is thus
unwise to overlook this fact.
motive which causes people to give part-time help is that of gaining status.
Most people have a wish to hold a place of importance in their community and in
Africa, especially in the rural areas, the place of the teacher is one of great
importance. Where there is a desire to demonstrate to society the worth of an
individual through teaching, this motive can be quite strong.
Many people,
having had educational opportunities themselves, enjoy teaching adults. It
helps them – especially if they are not full-time teachers- and they enjoy the
opportunity of discussing their subjects in an informal class atmosphere. This
motivation is especially true in formal and liberal adult education where many
teachers do have an opportunity to teach their special subjects and thus keep
them fresh.
A strong
interest in teaching is another reason why some people help in adult education
classes. Many enjoy the personal satisfaction which they get from teaching a
successful group of adults and are prepared to go on simply because they enjoy
Some people
who are in new places and meeting new people find the teaching of adult classes
an entry into the local society. This especially applies to expatriate
personnel who wish to get to know and meet local people. Certainly adult
education classes afford very good opportunities for this and it is an
excellent way in which one can discuss with local people things which cannot
easily be broached without some entry.
A last
reason is that some people teach simply to fill in time in an interesting and
useful manner. This may not be the noblest of reasons but nevertheless some are
indeed motivated by boredom into teaching.
These then
are the main reasons why people teach in part-time adult classes. There have
been listed some seven reasons – there are many more. It is important to note
that most people who participate do so for more than one reason and many of the
motives are mixed together. One may teach partly out of sense of service and
still require some sort of recompense for services. A voluntary teacher may
also wish to keep up with his subject and enjoy teaching at same time. The
motives are not mutually exclusive.[3]
D. Conclusion
As adult
educators are different with teachers in child classes, they must have
characteristics and motivations which are explained above. They shouldn’t act
like the common teachers who are just teaching or transferring their knowledge,
but they must be able to create the learning climate so that the adults feel
comfortable study. Because of the adults do not like to be patronized and they
have the prestige that must be maintained.
The purpose
of understanding the characteristics and motives of voluntary helpers working
in the adult educational field is so that those who organize them can give them
maximum support and encouragement and when things go wrong will understand why
they do, thus making correction that much easier.[4]
E. References
Patricia Cranton, Working With Adults Learners, Wall
& Emerson, Inc. Toronto, 1992
Roy Prosser, Adult Education for Developing Countries, East
African Publishing House, Nairobi, 1967
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