A. Background Issues
One of the mass
media which is quite popular and touches all walks of life ranging from
low-level, mid-way up is the radio medium. Radio is the media most populous
countries in the world and has the widest range. Currently, there are 35,000
radio stations around the world. In Indonesia, a radio transmitter can be found
everywhere, both in large cities and in outlying villages.
Function when
the radio is not only a medium of entertainment, but have grown so fast. One of
the interesting functions of the various segments of the radio age of radio as
a medium is the messenger. Various actual news going on in the country and
abroad can be quickly known by the public through the medium of radio. For this
reason, the radio as one of the alternative media should be an option for the
dissemination of information education both formal and non-formal.
education is a strategic role within the National Education System, it is
clearly stipulated in Law No. 20 of 2003. Non Formal Education has advantages
compared to formal education that is the flexibility spot, target, time, etc.
programs. But it will not lose much different when the radio can be used in
formal education to support the development of education in the country of
For some people
reading a book is boring. Many people are looking for ways to learn without
having to frequently open book, so comes the many ways or methods of learning
fun. One of them is by listening to the radio. Now the radio is one of the
methods of learning in addition to television, proved several schools ranging
from elementary to senior high school attempt to use this method. instead that
sharing knowledge is his students. because we are not spared from listening to
the radio, and it's easier to hear the radio have this knowledge. In some radio
station also has a radio program of education like let's learn English, at one
radio station. Although the frequency of its broadcast time is not too much,
they prioritize the songs, the angamat unfortunate.
For a school is
not easy to build a school community that can stimulate the emergence of
generations of quality. School is not a "factory" that only human
beings have to print with high knowledge. Schools also need to be able to give
a boost the appearance of human beings who are qualified to have the emotional
intelligence that can be justified.
intelligence and emotional intelligence is an integral sections thereof.
Development into three domains of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains
is at once a kind Work real work that would be monumental if successful.
While the
development of human life goes so fast that the new will soon become obsolete,
replaced by a state that will be very much different. Therefore, schools should
be able to also provide supplies such as LIVE SKILL. Therefore, of the problems
that exist in trying to uncover the top speakers on the theme of radio as a
medium position and the methods used in the study.
B. Problem Formulation
From the above
background, then get the inferences about the problem to be formulated as
"How to Position Radio As One Media
and Methods Used In Learning"
Definition of
radio in general is an electronic instrument that emerged from the results of
communications technology. Through this tool one can listen to broadcasts from
various corners and events. Radio education is generally not used directly for
the full educational purposes. In the special radio broadcast regarding
education for education set by the schedule. Radio education has a value - a
specific value, such as giving the news that up-to-date, attract, wide range,
based on the fact, encourage creative, have creative value.
Radio broadcasts
can be delivered through effective teaching, adds to the experience and the
knowledge and motivation to learn. The shape can be a radio broadcast lectures,
stories, interviews, skits etc..
Inside a hearing
or listening to the learning process is essential because in a sense that there
is learning all participated in humans and one of them is the sense of hearing.
Here is the opinion - the opinion of experts on the process of hearing or
Opinions Sanford
E. Taylor was quoted by James W Brown (1983:205) says that a number of high
average / larger than the working adults conducted by verbally communicating
and "hearing / hearing" took most of the time , even at the
university most of the time in the classroom is used by the listener / by using
the sense of hearing. Sebuhubuang with it said by Heinich, Molendan and Russel
(1982: 140) says that the elementary and high school students spend about 50%
of the time to listen to the lessons at school. College students in nearly 90%
of the time used to listen to the lecture material, lectures, seminars /
Thus it is considered necessary and not
excessive to say that for a teacher, to hear the media presence in the
classroom should not be underestimated. Through audio media to capture and
understand a variety of human voice and the sounds are nothing to do with the
problem of learning towards the achievement of the learning objectives.
A. Benefits Application of Radio In
1. Providing news up-to-date
Good news radio emitted by a person or with
a transcript, generally is news - news that up - to date, it is very important
and has a certain background. Because up - to this date, he helped complete the
deficiencies - deficiencies that exist in textbooks are often obsolete. Aside
from the enriching experience in certain fields, such as education, economics,
development, politics and so on. Everything is directly heard by the class even
if it is far away.
2. Attract Interest
Radio broadcasts attract children, so he
presents the problems of everyday life, and delivered in a fun way. Anywhere
and was in any case the student can listen to it. The students generally be
receptive to the radio.
3. Message was authentic
The radio program gives particulars actual,
genuine and trustworthy. Remarks and opinions are authentic is a very valuable
4. Based on the fact
News radio in general is based on the real
things, provide a clear picture, detailed and important. Because it's news can
be received by the child as a concrete and easily understood.
5. Having a broad overview
Through the radio program something problem
can be viewed from various aspects. All groups in society may express his views
on something about freely. The news about distant peoples have the positioning
can be known through radio broadcasts.
6. Provide a clear picture
Radio can provide a clear picture to the
listener. Therefore it provides a complete background on an event or something
new ideas.
7. Encouraging creativity
Radio, either directly or indirectly to
encourage creativity in children in the fields of music, drama, poetry and so
on. They were given the opportunity to listen to other people's creations and
will therefore also lead to or affect the power of their own creativity. Of
course depending on the fuel and interest.
8. Integration and discrimination
There are influential radio formation of
one's personal, social adjustment, and this raises important for the formation
of a good citizen. Aside from educating the children to be able to discriminate
issues in society. Radio encourages people to think rationally and comparative.
B. Use of Radio In A Study
The procedure uses radio classes in general
through the following steps: preparation, receipt and follow-up activities as a
Before conducting activities - specific
activities within this preparation step, then there are two things that need to
be considered, namely: the use of the broadcast time and place as well as the
conditions of acceptance.
a) The radio must pay attention and
rigorous use of time,
That is started at the right time and end
at the right time. The meaning here is appropriate to the extent of using the
second. Thus there should be no variability and flexibility. Because it usually
is used to set the time of a stop watch. Exceptions are granted only to
important events that are nasionl, such as the President's speech. This
exception will interrupt regular broadcasts.
Thus timing required for the purpose of
educating children in addition to using the best time but also for the benefit
of continuity of the program sequence. The listener itself stalled and keeping
the length of time since the event is not yet available further broadcasts.
b) The place to be arranged
Structuring place arranged eg seating,
tables and so on. The room should have facilities to be going well. Classroom
setting classes tailored to the wishes and condition of the room. The placement
of the receiver should be places where children can listen to it easily. Avoid
distractions - distractions or the possibilities of interference from outside or
from within the class itself. Place and these conditions need to be considered
carefully, so these things will affect learning.
c) preparation step
Preparatory activities before following the
broadcast needs to be held by teachers with students. The goal is to have it
broadcast beneficial to their education. In this activity must be considered a
variety of factors, such as: the purpose of the program, program type, and age
of the students. By including students in the planning is so that they are
aware of the goals to be achieved and it is willing to accept the individual
The students are required to receive
broadcast preparation, they need guidance and training. In connection with the
preparation, then you should collect various classes of broadcast material, for
example: user guide, handbooks and broadcast scripts if possible. It is also
necessary that the class has special ingredients such as: a list of the names
of places, concepts, key questions. And apart from that provided equipment that
may be required such as: pamphlets, pictures, magazines and so on that will
make it more meaningful release. So basically in this preparation step with the
class teacher to make preparations so that broadcasts provide a rewarding
experience for the class and educate children.
d) Step reception
In this step the teacher and student
conduct listening carefully. Teachers have to sit in front of the class.
Teacher activities may be taking notes, writing new words or word hard,
demonstrating rythme on the board, make a mark on the map and so forth. Student
activities is to make notes on the main points that are important, make the
questions, following the demonstration, held appreciation, writing words and
sentences given. The activities in this step is the implementation of the
things that have been planned in advance.
e) Continued Activity
The next steps are an important part of the
lesson with the radio. Usually the instructions for the teacher has outlined
the activities that will be done next. Efficient teacher will know what things
are worth to children's education. In this step can be done a variety of
activities, for example: discussions, debates, forums, draw conclusions, read
books, read a map, organize trips, interviews with certain people, it can also
hold a dramatization write.
The utilization of the radio medium in the
learning process is to integrate the knowledge that has been obtained
previously with the newly obtained after the use of a radio broadcast.
The advantage of using radio as an educational
medium include:
it can reach a wide audience,
over as wide a distance as reception will allow.
it is economic for material can
be prepared and recorded and used as many times as required. Thus repeats
become cheap and possible.
receiving sets are readily
available and reasonably cheap.
the best teachers can be used
with a very wide corage.
the programme can be heard
inside the home if necessary thus making them more convenient.
with the introduction of
transistorized radios, sets are easily transportable
programmes can be used as
complete teaching courses, or can be integrated into face-to-face teaching
courses, or use in conjunction with correspondencecources.
The disadvantages of using radio
radio can be impersonal and
students listening for long to a voice from a box can lose interest quickly.
there can normally be no
student feedback which spontaneous although the use of listening group and
correspondence cources can helps to overcome this disadvantage.
radio programmes can provide no
visual help and therefore there is a limitation on the variety of subjects
which can be thaught.
radio programme reception can
be interrupted thus causing loss of continuity
lengthy regular radio
programmes unsupported in other ways cause difficulties of self discipline
among students.
because radio programmes are
beamed to a large audience and anybody may be listening in, there is often an
initial reluctant on the part of tutors who have had little experience of
medium to commit themselves to the radio.
Education Radio is a great tool auditory
demonstration value to education. as a helper tool, both used in the school.
Schools can follow emitted radio broadcasts from outside on matters relating to
the class, or if the facility allows the school may also establish its own
educational radio transmitter.
There are several points that can be used
in learning radio media, among others; Providing news up-to-date, Points of
Interests, news was authentic, Based on the fact, Having a broad overview, Giving
a clear picture, Encouraging creativity, integration and discrimination.
Not only see no benefit in using the medium
of radio in education, but also need to know how the application of Radio In A
Study in radio broadcasting, among others; rigorous time, place must be set,
the preparation step, Step Activity Continued acceptance.
To develop this particular radio is now on
the program - a radio program that smell in education should be a growing
awareness of the importance of a radio themselves in life.
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